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3. Thinking and Decision Making
Key concepts Thinking: is the process of using knowledge and information to make plans, interpr...
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DNA structure and function Google Classroom T...
余华——浮躁中国的沉稳作家 令人感动的亲情、友情和爱情-亲情:凤霞被送人、家珍要米-友情:有庆之死(春生);文革春生被批斗-爱情:家珍的不离不弃;凤霞与二喜的相敬如宾 人物——福贵的父亲 ...
《古船》——灵魂的困境与挣扎 内容简介 山东半岛 描写了胶东芦青河畔洼狸镇上几个家庭40多年来的荣辱沉浮、悲欢离合,真实地再现了那个特殊年代里人性的扭曲以及在改革大潮对冲击下,...
时代背景: 1851年,作者福楼拜环游世界后返回家乡,决定以其父亲的一医生朋友妻子的故事为素材,创作一篇反映了19世纪法国外省风俗的小说。 小说的创作时间和其故事背景都是第二共和国时期,此时的...
4. Waves
4.1 Oscillations Oscillation and simple harmonic oscillations Oscillation Oscillations are perio...
语言与文学SL 总纲
语言与文学SL作为大部分对中文文学兴趣不强烈的IB生选择的课程有如下主要内容和要求: 语言分析:该课程将通过文学作品、新闻报道、广告等材料的分析,帮助学生了解语言的结构、语法、语义和修...
Paper2 文学作品
2. Mechanics
2.1 Motion Distance and displacement Distane Displacement scalar vector The length of t...
3. Thermal physics
3.1 Thermal concepts Temperature and absolute temperature There have two commonly used measurmen...
1. Measurement and uncertainties
Fundamental SI units Fundamental units Quantity SI unit Symbol Mass Kilogram kg Distanc...
D.3 Cosmology
The expanding universe Redshift The wavelength of the light measured upon arrival is longer than ...
Markdown Snippet
在此记录了一些特殊的Markdown语法 A success message A success message A success message A success message ...
Digestion system
Digestion is the process of converting large and complex molecules into simpler forms, which are ...
Table of Derived Units
Derived Unit Measures Derivation Formal Definition Hertz (Hz) Frequency $/s$ $s^{-1}$ Ne...
Strategies 4
Market based supply-side policies They can be used as a development strategy when the government ...
Perfecr competition
Perfecr competition Characteristics of perfect competition There are many buyers and sellers The...
Oligopoly A market where a few large sellers dominate the market for an identical or differentiat...
A monopoly A market where one firm dominates the market for a good that has no substitutes and wh...
Monopolistic competition
Monopolistic competition A market is monopolistically competitive if there are many firms produci...