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IB 语言与文学 & 文学鉴赏 卷二例证,手法,主题和时代背景

时代背景 《骆驼祥子》以上世纪20年代的军阀统治时期为背景,此时的就中国社会是贫穷,落后和黑暗的。而身处于社会底层的人们更是贫困潦倒,多数无法通过个人的努力来改变命运,最终只好忍受贫困和社会的...

Updated 1 year ago by Huang Junhui


IB 语言与文学 & 文学鉴赏

语言风格: 幽默的 批判性的 具有宣传鼓动性的 亲切直白的 论证方式 对比论证 引用论证 道理论证 比喻论证 图文并茂 图片的内容增加了行文...

Updated 1 year ago by Bowen Luan

Glanzer & Cunitz (1966)

IB Psychology Studies Collection

The primacy and recency effects can both be explained by the multi-store model of memory   

Updated 1 year ago by Huang Junhui

1. Memory Models

IB Psychology Essay Guide Cognitive Essay Guide

Key concepts Cognition The mental process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thou...

Updated 1 year ago by Huang Junhui

D.2 Stellar Characteristics and Stellar Evolution

IB Physics D. Astrophysics

Stellar spectra (Absorbtion) A star is assumed to radiate like a black body. The stellar spectra...

Updated 1 year ago by Wang Haochen

D.1 Stellar Quantities

IB Physics D. Astrophysics

Objects in the universe Stellar Clusters: groupings of large numbers of stars that attract each o...

Updated 1 year ago by Wang Haochen

D.5 Further Cosmology (HL)

IB Physics D. Astrophysics

Further Cosmology Rotation curve & Dark mattar Rotation curve $$ \frac{GMm}{r^2}=\frac{mv^2}{r}...

Updated 1 year ago by Wang Haochen

D.4 Stellar Processes (HL)

IB Physics D. Astrophysics

D.4 Stellar processes Type 1a Supernovae Type 2 Supernovae Formation Core produced when m...

Updated 1 year ago by Wang Haochen

6. Acculturation (待更新)

IB Psychology Essay Guide Sociocultural Essay Guide

Updated 1 year ago by Jonny Zhao

5. Enculturation (待更新)

IB Psychology Essay Guide Sociocultural Essay Guide

Updated 1 year ago by Jonny Zhao

3-2. Stereotype - Effect

IB Psychology Essay Guide Sociocultural Essay Guide

Introduction: Definition: Stereotype is a generalized and rather fixed way of thinking about a g...

Updated 1 year ago by Jonny Zhao

3-1. Stereotype - Formation

IB Psychology Essay Guide Sociocultural Essay Guide

(注意:stereotype有两种考法,一种是考stereotype formation,另一种是stereotype effect,我会分成两篇写) Introduction: Def...

Updated 1 year ago by Jonny Zhao

4. Culture Dimension

IB Psychology Essay Guide Sociocultural Essay Guide

Introduction: Cultures are made up of a set of attitudes, behaviors, and symbols shared by a lar...

Updated 1 year ago by Jonny Zhao

2. Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)

IB Psychology Essay Guide Sociocultural Essay Guide

Introduction: Social Cognitive Theory: Behavior is learned from the environment through processe...

Updated 1 year ago by Jonny Zhao

1. Social Identity Theory (SIT)

IB Psychology Essay Guide Sociocultural Essay Guide

Introduction: Social Identity Theory was proposed by Tajfel and argues that people are motivated...

Updated 1 year ago by Jonny Zhao

怎么使用Psy Essay Guide?

IB Psychology Essay Guide

这本essay guide是根据作者(我)个人写作习惯整理的定义和实验内容,按照章节整理好的。每个章节下包括了我ERQ要用到的实验和定义,大家在复习的时候可以作为参考。这里面的实验并不全,仅仅包...

Updated 1 year ago by Jonny Zhao

6. Bias in Thinking and Decision Making

IB Psychology Essay Guide Cognitive Essay Guide

Key concepts:  Heuristic: is a mental shortcut that focus on one aspect of a complex problem and...

Updated 1 year ago by Jonny Zhao

5. Emotion and Cognition

IB Psychology Essay Guide Cognitive Essay Guide

Key concepts: Memory: is the process which the information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. ·...

Updated 1 year ago by Jonny Zhao

4. Reconstructive Memory

IB Psychology Essay Guide Cognitive Essay Guide

Key concepts: Memory: is the process which the information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. ·...

Updated 1 year ago by Jonny Zhao

2. Schema Theory

IB Psychology Essay Guide Cognitive Essay Guide

Key concepts: Cognition: is the mental process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through ...

Updated 1 year ago by Jonny Zhao