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3. Stereotype

(注意:stereotype有两种考法,一种是考stereotype formation,另一种是stereotype effect,我会分成两篇写)


Stereotype Formation:


Definition: A stereotype is a generalized and rather fixed way of thinking about a group of people

·      In-group bias: See the in-group as being superior to the out-group to increase self-esteem.

·      Out-group homogeneity: see the members of outgroups as more similar to each other than they are.

·      (In-group bias + Out-group homogeneity) Negative stereotype about out-group member

Transition: A theory about the origin of stereotyping is illusory correlation, which states when we perceive a relationship between two variables, an illusory bond is likely to be formed even there is none. 

·      rare and surprising behaviors are more salient

·      people tend to remember them

·      establish a false correlation-cognitive bias

·      affect one’s judgment and perception of an individual or group.




Aim: to see whether social categorization will lead to stereotypes


·      Randomly assign to be members of a group

·      Give a booklet with a series of statements that described members in the group to which they had been assigned and the group that was not their group.

·      There are an equal number of positive and negative statements about each group


·      When asked about their own group, recalled positive statements that favored their own group.

·      Recalled better the negative statement of the out-group.


·      Social categorization can lead to stereotypes.

·      Compare in-group and out group, participants see in-group as superior to out-group & outgroup member share similar traits, resulting in negative stereotypes about out-group.


·      High internal validity


·      Low ecological validity (artificial-arbitrarily assigning groups cannot determine the salience of social identity)


Hamilton & Gifford

Aim: to investigate how stereotypes happen and how negative stereotypes get attributed to a group
Procedure: Lab Experiment

·      Two groups, A (majority group) and B (minority group)

·      Each group has the same proportion of positive and negative statements.

·      Participants were asked to estimate how many positive and negative statements each group has.

Result: Overestimate the number of negative traits in a minority group
Linkback: The illusory correlation is formed between the minority group and negative behavior.
overestimate the relationshipstereotypes that minority groups had negative traits


·      High internal validity, the same number of positive and negative statements.


·      Low ecological validity (artificial there are more contexts to make stereotypes rather than just listening to the statement)