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1. Memory Models
Key concepts Cognition The mental process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. One of the cognitive processes is memory. Memory The process which the information is encoded, stored, and retrieved Encode –...
3. Thinking and Decision Making
Key concepts Thinking: is the process of using knowledge and information to make plans, interpret the world, and make predictions about the world in general. Decision making: is the process of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and pr...
2. Schema Theory
Key concepts: Cognition: is the mental process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. One of the cognitive processes is memory. Memory: is the process which the information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. · ...
4. Reconstructive Memory
Key concepts: Memory: is the process which the information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. · Encode – the input of information into the memory system · Stored – is the retention of stored information · Retrieved – getting information out ...
5. Emotion and Cognition
Key concepts: Memory: is the process which the information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. · Encode – the input of information into the memory system · Stored – is the retention of stored information · Retrieved – getting information out ...
6. Bias in Thinking and Decision Making
Key concepts: Heuristic: is a mental shortcut that focus on one aspect of a complex problem and ignoring others. Heuristics can result in patterns of thinking and decision making which are consistent, but inaccurate. Link to dual process model of system 1...
怎么使用Psy Essay Guide?
这本essay guide是根据作者(我)个人写作习惯整理的定义和实验内容,按照章节整理好的。每个章节下包括了我ERQ要用到的实验和定义,大家在复习的时候可以作为参考。这里面的实验并不全,仅仅包括我ERQ要用的实验,SAQ的话就选择一篇实验和前面的定义部分就好啦~ 大家在网页浏览时会因为格式原因看着不那么舒服,可以直接全部复制粘贴到自己的word文档或者notion自己整理,我很鼓励大家自己整理自己的大纲,这样也有助于记忆。 最后,我希望大家在复习ERQ时不要死记硬背,一定要根据题目的command term和...
1. Social Identity Theory (SIT)
Introduction: Social Identity Theory was proposed by Tajfel and argues that people are motivated to achieve and maintain a positive image of themselves. Three psychological mechanisms: · Social Categorization: the process of classifying people based o...
2. Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)
Introduction: Social Cognitive Theory: Behavior is learned from the environment through processes of modeling and reinforcement. Two types of learners: · Enactive learners: Children learn through actions they take. · Vicarious learners: Children ...
3-1. Stereotype - Formation
(注意:stereotype有两种考法,一种是考stereotype formation,另一种是stereotype effect,我会分成两篇写) Introduction: Definition: A stereotype is a generalized and rather fixed way of thinking about a group of people · In-group bias: See the in-group as being superior to the ou...
4. Culture Dimension
Introduction: Cultures are made up of a set of attitudes, behaviors, and symbols shared by a large group of people, and usually communicated from one generation to the next Culture dimension: the values and norms within a culture that influence behavior and ...
3-2. Stereotype - Effect
Introduction: Definition: Stereotype is a generalized and rather fixed way of thinking about a group of people · In group bias: See in-group as being superior to the out-group to increase self-esteem. · Out-group homogeneity: see the members of ou...