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The Prague Spring

President Johnson

In November of 1963, what happened to President John F. Kennedy?

Kennedy was assassinated

Who replaced Kennedy?

his vice-president Lyndon B Johnson assumed power

How was Johnson different from Kennedy?

he represented a very different American reality: he was from rural Texas, and prior to entering politics had been a school teacher.

Describe Johnson’s foreign policy.

he found himself - and his administration - increasingly judged by a foreign policy that endorsed rapprochement but at the same time, escalated proxy wars to new heights through its involvement in Vietnam.


Rise of brezhnev

How did the Soviets view Khrushchev’s involvement in the Berlin Crisis and Cuban Missile Crisis?

Cuban Missile Crisis and crisis in Berlin were seen as failures, and, perhaps more importantly

Why were Soviets critical of Khrushchev’s domestic policies?

had failed to increase the Soviet standard of living and availability of consumer goods, making him especially vulnerable after 1962.

Who replaced Khrushchev in 1964 as the leader of the Soviet Union?

Leonid Brezhnev

What was the primary goal of Brezhnev’s regime?

was initially stated that this was a stopgap measure, he quickly consolidated power.

What did the failed promise of economic improvement lead to in much of the communist world?

Antonin Novotny whose regime was characterized by corruption and stagnation that caused tensions among the members of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPCS).



In an attempt to reduce conflicts within the communist Party of Czechoslovakia, who came to power in January of 1968?

Alexander Dubcek

What was the reality of Dubcek’s political beliefs?

He was a long-term Slovak communist who appeared to be a typical Party apparatchik but in reality he was a charismatic advocate of political reform.

Your book used the term “socialism with a human face.” What do you think this means?

Liberalizing policy

In a speech made by Dubcek to remember the 1948 communist coup, what did Dubcek demand that the CPCS recognize?

It was necessary for the Communist Party to preserve Czechoslovak socialism and to bring Czechoslovak economic policies into line with global realities.

What was the Action Programme? List out the major changes it sought to bring.

In April 1968, his intentions were explained through the Programme of Action, which stated the Communist Party's determination to achieve socialism along Czechoslovakia's unique path.

Why were Eastern European nations alarmed by Dubcek’s action?

Because they were controlled by staunch communists, they were afraid of any challenge to the status quo, but the Soviets were initially interested in Czechoslovakia to see how far reform could go

How did the Soviets approach the situation?

When no clear opposition emerged, reformers in the CPC went a step further, ending all press censorship, planning to open borders with the West,

When no one intervened in Czechoslovakia (in early 1968), what did Dubcek proceed to further change?

In the trade agreement with West Germany, Czechoslovakia always insisted that Czechoslovakia was a loyal member of the socialist order and wished to achieve liberalization within a Marxist-Leninist framework.

What did Warsaw Pact countries do in an effort to intimidate Dubcek?

To intimidate Dubcek, Warsaw Pact countries held military exercises in Czechoslovakia in late June, after which nearly 75,000 troops remained near the Czechoslovak border.

After this effort, what remained behind on the border?

They held a meeting of the leaders of the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, East Germany, Hungary and Poland on 14 and 15 July and expressed concern about the expansion of reforms in Czechoslovakia

What was the Warsaw Letter?

The announcement of other Warsaw Pact countries that claim the challenge to socialism in one country is a threat to all socialist states,

What did the Warsaw Letter admit was justified in Dubcek’s actions?

Internal self -determination

What did the Warsaw Letter admit was not justified in Dubcek’s actions?

their challenge to socialism.

In July of 1968, what did Brezhnev hope he could achieve within the CPCS? Did this actually occur?

The emergence of pro-soviet group

What did Dubcek promise Brezhnev? Did he keep this promise?

To repeal the reforms, but Dubcek continued his revolution

How was Soviet leadership divided on Czechoslovakia? What was their concern about the Slovak minority?

Some advocate direct intervention, others thinks this is a experiment in reform, they also connect the Slovak minorities in USSR and Baltic regions to demand the same rights.

What ultimately motivated Brezhnev’s choice? What did he specifically do to help avoid repeating the mistakes of the 1956 Hungarian Uprising?

He was unwilling to act unilaterally., he enlisted the Warsaw Pact countries to assist.

On august 20th, what happened?

Tanks took over control of Prague

What did Dubcek order his army to do?

To surrender and do nothing

Just before the country was taken over, what did radio stations do?

The make the last free speech announcing the real position of the population and government.

What happened to Dubcek?

He was forced to sign an act to repeal the reform

How did the USA and NATO countries react to the Prague Spring? Why?

They condemned it but didn’t do any further action, because USA is stuck in Vietnam

Why did the UN fail to do anything about the invasion?

The USSR vetoed their resolution

Surprisingly, where did most of the outrage and protest against Soviet actions come from?



What became with the USSR and the Soviet sphere of influence after the Prague Spring?

They were proved to be discontent

What had the communist revolution given way to?

traditional bureaucrats that hope to keep the status quo

Why had Soviet officers nearly lost control of the Red Army during the invasion?

Because many soldiers thinks that their leader had lied to them.

Famously, what did many Prague citizens decorate tanks with during the invasion?

With flowers

Who led the new Czechoslovakian government?

Gustav Husk

Why did a military presence remain in Czechoslovakia?

For Czechoslovak’s loyalty

Why did the new government prevent further uprisings after 1968?

He guarantee health care, employment, and general economic security

What is the Brezhnev Doctrine?

Keep the status quo