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The Hungarian Uprising

The death of Stalin

What two sides did Khrushchev’s “secret speech” divide the communist world into

1.Those who reject his call to end the “cult of personality” 2. Those who saw it as a release.

In 1953, who did world leaders assume would replace Stalin as leader of the USSR? What happened to this potential replacement?

Beria was favored, but he was executed by potential victims.

In 1956, who emerged as the official new leader of the Soviet Union?


What did this new Soviet Leader lack when compared to Stalin?

The absolute authority

With the emergence of this new leader, what did the government begin to loosen control over in the USSR? How did the West feel about this? How did some communist leaders from other countries feel about this?

1.Its control on its citizens 2.Western perceptions:Encouraging 3.Communist leaders:Highly critical

What was Mao’s particular issue with the changes happening in the USSR after Khrushchev came to power?

He considered Khrushchev’s attack on Stalin as a attack on his authority too.

How had the implementation of communist control damaged Eastern European economies?

Oppression in all facets of public life.

What was the “brain drain” phenomena happening in East Germany?

The skilled worker fled to west Germany.

Which Eastern European countries remained sternly committed to Stalinist regimes?

1.Bulgaria 2.East Germany 3.Romania

Despite its loyalty, why was Khrushchev especially concerned with East Germany as a possible place for trouble?

Because it was the most vulnerable under the western advance.

Protest in germany and poland

In June 1953, what happened in East Germany that forced the USSR to reconsider its policy there? What was especially shocking to the Soviet’s about the people participating in this happening?

A workers revolt, because this was a proletariat rebelled against socialist policies.

How did Khrushchev respond to this event in East Germany 1953?

He committed massive financial assistance into east Germany.

What was the name of Khrushchev’s “secret speech” delivered in February 1956? What did the speech criticize?

On the personality cult and its consequences

What did Khrushchev carefully not mention in the secret speech?

the events that would condemn himself and his peers.

How did Mao Zedong respond to the secret speech?

He accused Khrushchev of revisionism

However, what unintentional consequence did the secret speech lead to amongst some Warsaw pact countries?

They believed that they can leave the Warsaw Pact

In June 1956, what happened in the Polish city of Poznan?

Riots of workers

Why was the Polish economy so weak?

The soviet and Nazi occupation had destroyed its industry,

What did the Soviets attempt to do with Polish nationalism and Roman Catholicism amongst the Polish people?

Undermine them

In October 1956, what did the Polish communists request to alleviate the tension between themselves and the Soviets?

They requested the recap of Wladslaw Gomulka as first secretary, and removal of the soviet imposed Defense Minister.

How did the Soviets immediately respond to these demands?

Placing troops

What did the Poles assure the Soviets after word of the incoming troops came?

That Poland will remain in Warsaw Pact and a socialist government

How did the Soviets react to this?

They were mollified.

The revolution in Hungary

What began on October 23, 1956 amongst Hungarian students?

A revolution with demonstration

What encouraged the students to act so boldly?

The reforms achieved by the poles

What demands did the students make to the USSR and ruling communists?

freedom, departure of soviet troops, and return of the leadership of Imre Nagy

One day after the revolution began, what happened to several tanks and government buildings?

The tanks were ignited, and government buildings were seized.

Who was made the new prime minister of Hungary? To the surprise of many revolutionaries, what did this new figure desire from the Hungarian communist party?

Nagy called for support of the communist party

Why did the Soviets remove their tanks from Budapest at the beginning of the revolution?

Because they thought that Hungarians will only modify the communism to their taste like poles did

What did the removal of Soviet tanks inspire the Hungarians to demand?

To increase their demand

How did the USA provide a mixed reaction to the Hungarians? What specifically did secretary of state Dulles say that gave Hungarians hope for USA support?

No one said that they will help Hungary, but they said that they will provide aid to any country that are opposed to the USSR regard less of the political system

As democracy and political freedom began to spread wildly across Hungary, how did Nagy’s political ideology begin to publicly change?

He was advocating democracy and neutrality

What happened on October 30, 1956 in Hungary?

Nagy abolished the one party state.

What happened on November 1, 1956 in Hungary?

Nagy announced Hungary would be neutral, and wanted UN to recognize it

What international crisis was being resolved ON THE DAY that Hungarians appealed to the UN? What did the UN vote to do t? How did the Soviets react?

The Suez crisis. The UN voted to let USSR to withdraw from Hungary, but the USSR vetoed against it.

Did the Hungarians face any opposition to their cause in the UN general assembly? What about NAM countries? Although your book doesn’t specify, why do you think these countries failed to support the Hungarians?

The Warsaw pact countries and some NAM countries vote against it

What happened on November 4, 1956 in Hungary?

The soviet troops started an attack on the revolutionaries

After the revolution

Who did the Soviet’s put in charge?

Janos Kadar

What happened to Nagy?

He was executed

Why was the resulting 200,000 Hungarians fleeing the Soviet occupation significant for this Eastern European country?

Because they only have 9 million people

After the Hungarian Uprising, what had the Soviets demonstrated they would tolerate in the socialist world?

The difference within the socialist world.

What did the Soviets demonstrate they would NOT tolerate in the socialist world?

deviations from the socialist line

What was the “conflict” in Khrushchev’s foreign policy?

He is afraid of US expansion against USSR, but also wanted a peaceful coexistence.

In terms of diplomacy, how was Khrushchev different than Stalin?

He is more active in international affairs.

What became clear about communism in the Soviet sphere of influence?

Communism was imposed not desired.

How did USA inaction embolden Soviet actions in Hungary?

Because they knew that US would not respond.

How did Dulles in particular respond to criticism?

there is no basis for assistance to a communist state.

What was the USA policy of “rollback?”

The US policy to force regime change in the communist world by covert operations and support to insurgents