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The Berlin crisis

The Berlin Crisis

Instructions: Carefully read pages p. 107-111 (yes, I do want you to read the speech on page 111) in your Cold War Textbook. Fill in below while highlighting each of your answers with yellow.

Although Potsdam determined how Berlin was to be governed, what was never negotiated between the superpowers concerning the city?

That Berlin is treated separate from the Germany

Even though the Soviets controlled military traffic into Berlin, who effectively controlled the traffic?

East Germans and USSR

Khrushchev claimed to desire what for Germany and Berlin in his memoirs that was ultimately rejected by Western Powers?

A peace treaty

What were the two problems that ultimately led to the Berlin Crisis (be detailed).

Brain drain Cheaper goods

What did Khrushchev demand in a speech on November 10th, 1958? What did he threaten to do with East Berlin?

occupy Berlin.

On November 27th, 1958… what did Khrushchev propose in a treaty regarding the 4 powers in Berlin and East/West Germany?

recognize the both states and establish Berlin as a free city

What was the USA ultimately afraid of happening again in Berlin? Why did the United States not feel confident in confronting this fear again?

Antoher blockage, no longer able to supply it with airlift after development.

Did the Western Powers accept Khrushchev’s treaty? Why was this there response?

They refused, because they thought Khrushchev want full integration of Berlin into east Germany.

What fear did Khrushchev ultimately have about West Germany that Western Powers failed to understand?

West Germany obtaining nuclear power.

Although the USSR considered using nuclear weapons to fix the issue with Germany, what ultimately deterred them from doing this?

He militarized the border.

Even though there were some instances of military confrontation in Berlin, what did Khrushchev ultimately decide his strategy with West Berlin should be in 1961?

He should wait.

During the Berlin Crisis, who was the leader of West Germany?

Konrad Adenauer

What was “peaceful coexistence?”

That communist and capitalist system could live together.

Did the West German Chancellor believe in “peaceful coexistence?” What was his fear? And what was the only way he saw Germany reuniting?

No, he fear that socialist would take over west Germany, the Germany can only be united by free elections.

How did Eisenhower approach dealing with the city of Berlin? What is “Brinkmanship?”

He wanted to deal with it peacefully, and Brinkmanship is a threat. He wanted Berlin to be a free city govern by UN.

What was Kennedy’s approach dealing with the city of Berlin? Why was Kennedy seen as weak on communism?

A mixed approach, because bay of pigs.

Despite all of the posturing over Berlin, what was clear that neither superpower was willing to do over the issue?

No War

Why did Khrushchev feel the USSR was responsible for East Germany?

He is responsible for the economic devastation in East Germany.

Compared to the USA support for West Germany, how well did the Soviets support East Germany?

They subsidized more.

What old desire did East Germany also fulfill for Russian security?

Act as a buffer zone.

Why did Mao reject Khrushchev’s policy of “peaceful coexistence?”

He thinks it as a insufficient revolutionary

What did Khrushchev propose to Eisenhower in his tour of the USA? What did Eisenhower promise in response? Did he deliver on this promise?

To end the cold war, Eisenhower promised to go to USSR, but he failed to do so.

Why Khrushchev see Kennedy as weak? What did Khrushchev do in July 1961 that effectively ended the nuclear moratorium?

Because Kennedy is young, and the Bay of pigs. He detonate a nuclear bomb.

In 1961, how many East Germans left East Germany? How many East Berliners left East Berlin?

East Germans2.7Million East Berliners30000

Why had Soviets initially rejected the idea of building a wall around West Berlin?

He wanted communist revolution in west Berlin.

Why did Khrushchev reverse his thoughts on the idea of a wall?

Because their is a brain drain.

When did construction on the Berlin Wall begin?


What were guards ordered to do for anyone who attempted to cross the wall without permission?

To shoot them

Although the wall had many objectors, what did President Kennedy admit about the reality of its creation?

It’s preferable than War

In a moment of tension on the wall, what were Soviet forces convinced Americans were going to do with the wall? How did the Soviets respond to this suspicion?

They moved their army to the walls.

Why did Khrushchev agree to pull his tanks back first in this tense episode? How did the Americans respond?

That USA will not go to war, and then USA pull back too

Why did the Atlantic Alliance almost break over the Berlin Crisis? Consider perspectives.

Germans felt that USA is unwilling to protect them

What did Khrushchev declare in January of 1963?

That a treaty was not needed.

After the crisis, what did Berlin cease to be for the superpowers?

A pressure point in US-Soviet relations.

Read through Kennedy’s entire speech on p. 111. What do you think the phrase, Ich bin ein Berliner” symbolically meant for the people of Berlin, the “free world” and America?

That Berlin citizens should be proud